
Jacks and Accessories

1200 lb. Jack Caster Wheel

1200 lb. Jack Caster Wheel

2" wide by 6" diameter caster assembly, ideal for lighter-duty trailers. This makes moving your trailer much simpler by allowing the trailer to move and roll in multiple directions without having to be attached a vehicle. The 1200 lb. capacity caster assembly fits on...

Marine Swivel Jack

Marine Swivel Jack

Marine swivel jack with a caster wheel. Zinc finish is corrosion resistant, making it great for recreational trailer applications like boats or jet skis. A range of capacities, caster styles, and swivel styles are available.

Swivel Jack

Swivel Jack

Swivel jack with a footplate, ideal for commercial, recreational, and agricultural uses. A range of capacities, mounting styles, and winding styles.